Wednesday, December 18, 2013


*I wrote this one over a month ago, but never got around to posting it... It was right after my ex broke up with me... It's about how I wasn't able to feel the pain*

I don’t feel the pain.
But I can hear it.
Deep inside, I know
it’s there.

When I open my mouth
to talk about it,
my voice cracks,

As my voice cracks,
my eyes leak.
Just a little.
Not much.
But enough.
Enough for me to
know that the
pain is there
and there’s enough
of it to make me cry.

When friends offer
their comfort,
it reminds me that
I need to be
which means that
I’m hurting.
I know I need
the hugs,
but if I choose
to accept them,
I choose to
acknowledge the pain.

I know the pain
is there, but
I can’t feel it.
If I can’t feel,
how can I heal?
How will I know that
the pain is real?
How can I grieve?

I want to feel.
I just don’t want the pain.

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