Monday, July 7, 2014

Cat on a Sunbeam (older, but I'm finally posting it)

Sometimes I wish I could
Make myself smaller.
I wish I could trade my skin
For fur, my nails for claws,
And my hands and feet for paws.
I wish I could peer through glowing eyes
At a world of darkness.
I wish I could sharpen my claws
On the sandpaper of the Earth.
I wish I could curl up in a sunbeam
And purr myself to sleep,
Living a life simpler than this.

Abyss (older, but I'm finally posting it)

The rhythm traipses through
The abyss of mortality.
The breath of winter, with
Its starry icicles clawing at
The heartless moon,
Inscribes its soul on
The wings of my wounded faith.

The twisted vines of
Mermaid dreams
Embellish my marred flesh,
Obscuring the evidence of
My bonfire-bright abhorrence
And mirroring the endless
Seclusion of rock-bottomless
Sorrow and neglect.

Visions of cotton candy
Clouds collide with
The senseless recollections
Of constant criticisms and
Promises rendered empty.
Each mistake and malicious intent
Perpetuates the illusion
Of gossamer existence.

Pungent cologne,
Corpses of patio pain,
The rusted link of a
Chain and shackle that
Should be torn asunder.

Forced thoughts,
Well-meaning people
Attempting to repair me
And bind my wounds,
Illuminate the concealed
Remains of the hollow
Skeleton in the closet
Of my mournful spirit.

wake me (older, but finally posting it)

wake me when the sun goes to sleep
when each shadowed moment is mine to keep
wake me when the hand of time moves slow
and what happens in secret no one will know

We pretend (older, but I'm finally posting it)

We pretend life
is perfect.

We pretend the
masks we wear are
our true identities
and the throbbing pain
deep inside our souls
does not exist.

We pretend the
wind has substance,
that it can be
caught and tamed,
and waste our time
chasing it as if
it is the solution
to all life’s troubles.

We pretend that
truth does not exist,
but pretending
will not make it so.

We pretend,
but in the end
pretending gets us