Friday, November 28, 2014

I Am (Lonely Version)

I am lonely and scared.
I wonder when life will be a pleasure for me.
I hear my silent screams echoing in the darkness.
I see blood spilling from my broken heart, staining my hands
and leaving red marks on all that I touch.
I want to live a day without feeling this way.
I am lonely and scared.

I pretend that the walls I’ve built can keep out my fears,
but really I’m just keeping out any chance of love.
I feel like there’s no reason to tear down my walls,
because who will love me anyway?
I touch the pieces of my broken hope, wondering if it will ever be whole again.
I worry that the darkness surrounding me will swallow me alive.
I cry rarely, but when I do it’s a pleasure to feel alive.
I am lonely and scared.

I understand that not everyone knows what I’m going through.
I say that it’s okay because I don’t want to talk about it.
I dream that someday my walls will fall and
someone will love me for me.
I try to smile as though the pain doesn’t exist and my life is perfect.
I hope that someday I won’t have to pretend, the smile
will be real, and the pain non-existent.

I am lonely and scared.

I Am (I Wonder Version)

I am poetic and thoughtful.
I wonder why bluebirds sing.
I hear the brush of angels’ wings.
I see the wind dance like candlelight.
I want wars to end and things to be right.
I am poetic and thoughtful.

I pretend that lilies are fallen stars.
I feel like I could reach the sky.
I touch rose petals that are as soft as silk.
I worry that people are weighed down by guilt.
I cry when I hear sad music play.
I am poetic and thoughtful.

I understand why there is hurt in the world.
I say that there’s beauty in everything.
I dream of warm, green forests with sunlight filtering, illuminating a hidden world.
I try to be responsible in everything.
I hope to someday hear wedding bells ring.
I am poetic and thoughtful.

Dear World, I Am a Writer

Dear World,

I am a writer.
No, I’ve never had one of my poems published.
No, you can’t walk into Barnes & Noble
And see my name on the cover of the latest bestseller.
And that might never happen.
Those things aren’t what make me a writer.

I am a writer because
I don’t know any other way to live.
I am a writer because I see a blank page
Or an empty screen and feel an
Irresistible compulsion to fill it with words.
I am a writer because to me there is
No greater feeling than seeing a page
Covered with my own words.
I am a writer because it makes sense
To me to breathe in ideas like oxygen
And exhale them onto paper.
I am a writer because as a young child
I felt this need to take my crayon
And scrawl nonsense words across my scratch paper
Until there was no more room to write.
It didn’t matter that my handwriting was
Made up of chicken scratches that
Even a chicken couldn’t read.
It didn’t matter that I didn’t know how to
Write any real words besides my own name.
I simply wrote.
I wrote twenty-letter words made up of
 Mostly z’s and x’s because I felt
That those letters were sadly neglected by the
English language and I simply loved the shape. 
I am a writer because I have to write,
Because there is something inside of me
That makes it so that writing is to me
What eating and drinking are to you.
It is a basic need for me.

If you took away my pen
And told me to stop writing,
I would look at you in shock.
Then I would reach for the nearest dictionary
To see if “stop” had somehow become
Synonymous with “start” or “keep”.
After confirming that it hadn’t,
I’d come back and reclaim my pen,
Even if I’d have to wrestle you to the ground,
Slit your throat, and pry it from
Your cold, lifeless hands.
Because to tell me to stop writing
Is the same thing as saying,
“Stop breathing.”

You might never read anything I’ve ever written.
You might not even read this.
If you do read something I’ve written,
You might not understand or enjoy it.
If you happen to read some of my writing
And you do enjoy it or understand it, that’s great.
But if you don’t, I don’t care.
If you want to criticize me,
Don’t bother, because I won’t listen
If you read my writing and want to give
Me advice on how to make it better, I’ll listen,
But I won’t necessarily change anything
Just because you think I should.
Because I don’t write for you.

I will fill line after line,
Page after page, book after book,
Until I fill a library with volumes of my words.
If I write a thousand books and have
A thousand editors write “Who cares?”
In red pen over my words, that doesn’t matter.
Because I care.
And I don’t write for them.

I write for no one but myself.
If I wrote for others,
There would be no joy in it.
I don’t write for the critics, the scoffers, the fools.
I don’t write for the ignorant masses that
Look at a carefully crafted poem and
Cannot find a speck of deeper meaning.
Their opinions mean nothing to me.
I write for myself.

I write, even though sometimes simply the
Act of holding a pen makes
My fingers ache down to the bone.
I write even though sometimes my hands hurt
As I type and fumble over the keys.
And I will keep writing, even if it hurts, because
I know that it would hurt much more to stop.
If I wake up one day and find that I can no longer
Move my fingers that will not stop me.
I will pick up my pen with my mouth
And learn to grip it between my teeth
And make it move across the page to form
The letters I once formed with my hands.
I will use my tongue to press each and every
Key on my keyboard, because even if
I type my words at a snail’s pace
At least the words are coming out.
If my teeth and tongue fail me,
I will hold my pen between my toes
And learn to write that way.
If that fails, I will try something else.
I will stop at nothing to get my words on paper.
I will keep writing.

One day, I will die.
I know it will happen,
And I’m not afraid of it.
But what I am afraid of is that
When my body has turned to ash,
My ideas too will turn to dust,
Be carried away, and disappear
As if they’d never existed.
But if I fill a million pages with my ideas,
At least they will be something tangible,
Something I can hold in my hands, look at, and say,
“I wrote this; this came from my mind, my heart, my soul.”

So, Dear World,
If you remember only one
Thing I say, remember this:
If you want me to stop writing,
You’ll have to kill me first.
And if you do,
If you take me and snap me in half
Like a cheap ballpoint pen,
I will bleed out on you.
I will leave my final writing
Stained permanently on your hands,
Not in scarlet red but with the
Jet-black ink that runs through my veins.

Because I am a writer.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Our Love

There’s something about the way you look at me,
As if I’m the only person that exists.
A look that sets me free,
A look I can’t resist.

Even though distance keeps us apart
And I’ve proven to be weak,
You still trust me with your heart
And you’re still the love I seek.

I want nothing more than to have you
Here by my side
To show you my love is true
And to know that you are mine.

So dearest love stay with me,
Show me worlds unknown.
When I’m with you you’re all I see,
And I want our love to show. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Cat on a Sunbeam (older, but I'm finally posting it)

Sometimes I wish I could
Make myself smaller.
I wish I could trade my skin
For fur, my nails for claws,
And my hands and feet for paws.
I wish I could peer through glowing eyes
At a world of darkness.
I wish I could sharpen my claws
On the sandpaper of the Earth.
I wish I could curl up in a sunbeam
And purr myself to sleep,
Living a life simpler than this.

Abyss (older, but I'm finally posting it)

The rhythm traipses through
The abyss of mortality.
The breath of winter, with
Its starry icicles clawing at
The heartless moon,
Inscribes its soul on
The wings of my wounded faith.

The twisted vines of
Mermaid dreams
Embellish my marred flesh,
Obscuring the evidence of
My bonfire-bright abhorrence
And mirroring the endless
Seclusion of rock-bottomless
Sorrow and neglect.

Visions of cotton candy
Clouds collide with
The senseless recollections
Of constant criticisms and
Promises rendered empty.
Each mistake and malicious intent
Perpetuates the illusion
Of gossamer existence.

Pungent cologne,
Corpses of patio pain,
The rusted link of a
Chain and shackle that
Should be torn asunder.

Forced thoughts,
Well-meaning people
Attempting to repair me
And bind my wounds,
Illuminate the concealed
Remains of the hollow
Skeleton in the closet
Of my mournful spirit.

wake me (older, but finally posting it)

wake me when the sun goes to sleep
when each shadowed moment is mine to keep
wake me when the hand of time moves slow
and what happens in secret no one will know

We pretend (older, but I'm finally posting it)

We pretend life
is perfect.

We pretend the
masks we wear are
our true identities
and the throbbing pain
deep inside our souls
does not exist.

We pretend the
wind has substance,
that it can be
caught and tamed,
and waste our time
chasing it as if
it is the solution
to all life’s troubles.

We pretend that
truth does not exist,
but pretending
will not make it so.

We pretend,
but in the end
pretending gets us

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Letter to the Principal

I wrote this letter to the principal at my school, after some friends reported an increase in anti-LGBTQ* bullying at our school.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Dear Mr. Ellis:

My name is Hailey Saul. I am a senior here, an active member of the Gay-Straight Alliance, and I myself am a lesbian. I began to come out in November of 2012, midway into my junior year.

My purpose for writing this letter is to bring your attention to an increase in anti-LGBTQ* bullying in the past couple of weeks. As I am sure you are aware, the students in GSA, as well as a number of other students, recently participated in the National Day of Silence, a day of action in which students across the country vow to take a form of silence to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBTQ* bullying and harassment in schools.

In the past two days, two of my peers have approached me and informed me that they have been bullied multiple times since the Day of Silence. Both of these peers are sophomore girls, one is a straight ally, while the other identifies with the LGBTQ* community. Both girls reported to me that, on multiple occasions over the past week and a half, they have been called “dyke,” “rug muncher,” etc. The phrase, “Go to hell, dyke,” has also been uttered. The second girl commented to me that she has been insulted more in the past two weeks than she has in the past two years. We do not know the identities of the perpetrators of this harassment, as they have not had the nerve to insult these girls face-to-face. Rather, they have been yelled at from across the quad, passing cars, etc.

I know that you take pride in the unique culture we have established here, and I have taken pride in that as well. Part of what made coming out less difficult for me was that I perceived our school to be a tolerant environment. In the past year and a half, since I began to come out, I have not had one person insult me to my face about my sexual orientation. I have always taken pride in telling my LGBTQ* friends from other schools and other States about how my school is a safe environment and I have not encountered any harassment. In light of this, I am appalled and disturbed by this regression.

I do not intend to generalize, but it appears to me that the harassment is occurring  primarily amongst the lowerclassmen. I, as a senior, have not heard anything negative since the Day of Silence, but my sophomore friends have been repeatedly harassed. Our school is supposed to be different. It would be a shame to lose that pride and integrity that we hold so dear as the upperclassmen graduate.

I understand that by participating in the Day of Silence, we did in a way “set ourselves up” for additional harassment, but I believe that this bullying, as any other cases of bullying, should be addressed. This harassment defeats the entire purpose of the Day of Silence. I hope and trust that you will take whatever measures you feel are appropriate and necessary. Thank you very much for your time.


Hailey A. Saul

Monday, April 14, 2014

A Day of Silence

Written: Friday, 11 April 2014
Posted: Monday, 14 April 2014

There is something about silence that cannot be explained. In some ways, silence can contain within itself more power than words.
This morning, I woke up long before my alarm. On a typical day, immediately after awakening, I would jump out of bed and bring myself to a full state of consciousness by blasting music – usually Halestorm, 3 Days Grace, or sometimes P!nk – through my headphones while I select which men’s shirt I’m going to hide in my backpack until I get to school. How I am going to present myself once I’m outside of the house that hasn’t felt like a home in years, once I’m beyond the borders of the world where my orientation is a subject that we avoid like the plague for the sake of keeping the peace.
But this morning was different, because today is the Day of Silence. Instead of creating my usual musical escape to drown out my thoughts, I stayed in bed for awhile, gazing at the ceiling. In the semi-darkness, I allowed the silence to envelop me like a blanket. The stillness was calming, cleansing. I slowly rose, descended the stairs, and looked out my kitchen window to watch the sunrise.
The silence we are symbolizing today, however, is not so peaceful. The silence we symbolize is a prison that confines far too many members of the LGBTQ* community. It is a silence that enables anti-LGBT bullying to continue. It is a silence that both instills and results from fear and shame within the hearts of people who should not have to be afraid and ashamed to be the person they were born to be. It cuts deep holes in hearts, tears relationships apart and throws them to the ground like frayed scraps of fabric to be swept up and thrown into the trash, and too often steals away the lives of people who have so much to live for. Words hurt. Whoever said "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," was obviously delusional and most likely straight. But sometimes silence hurts even more.
Our silence today reminds us of, and awakens those around us to, the deadly cloud of silence that looms over our heads, spreading its poison like carbon monoxide filling our lungs. Our silence today is sacred and unifying. It connects those who have broken their silence, those who still live in silence, those who are in the middle ground between silence and speaking out, and those who simply care to see those who are bound by silence be made free.
Our silence today is strong, beautiful, and perhaps an even more powerful tool than words to put an end to the silence that hurts many everyday.

Monday, January 27, 2014

if i slumber

if i slumber
will i ever awake
if i succumb to the
will it consume me
snatch up my soul and
devour it
like a midnight snack

 hear my breath echoing
against the walls
feel the ache
of sleeplessness

 the thoughts that fly
flutter and spin in my
my body and spirit

 i count my sorrows by
the minutes spent staring through
the night
and my joys by the delicious and
visions that occasionally find me
and my fears by the gut-wrenching and
nightmares that overtake me
more often than sweet dream

 i count each rip in my heart by
the tears my fingers have
made in my pillowcase
i number my broken dreams by
the times i wake up with a jolt
wishing that i could return to
my dream world
but knowing that the
next realm i visit
will be a land
of horror

 so i lie awake
force myself to subsist
on as little sleep as is

 i’d rather remain frozen in a
permanent state of
than face the
that knock me
facedown and frightened
with my blankets on my
bedroom floor